General info

This Resources area contains a number of resources created or collected by UNICollaboration to support our growing community of practitioners and researchers.  Our list currently includes the following items:

Finding a Virtual Exchange Partner

Our VE partner finding tool (VEPFT) which which allows educators to post proposals for finding VE partners. You can access proposals from the website and and these are published through the UNICollaboration Twitter account. Proposals can be made after creating an account on this website.

VE and Telecollaboration Bibliography

The UNICollaboration team has created an online bibliography on Virtual Exchange and Telecollaboration in Zotero. The VE and Telecollaboration Bibliography can be accessed through the current menu. You will also find information there about contributing to the bibliography. 


This item presents the Tasks /  Task sequences database carried over from our former website UNICollaboration.EU.  The tasks and task sequences are primarily from language learning and teacher education contexts.

Sample projects

These are examples of Virtual Exchange and Telecollaboration projects, also transferred from the previous UNICollaboration.EU website.

Position Papers

Position papers written by members on behalf of UNICollaboration.


The creation of the partner finding tool and the migration of content from the former platform was made possible with support from from EVALUATE (Evaluating and Upscaling Telecollaborative Teacher Education), a European project funded by Erasmus+ Key Action 3 (EACEA No 34/2015): European policy experimentations in the fields of Education, Training and Youth led by high-level public authorities (582934-EPP-1-2016-2-ES-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY) .

      EU Erasmus Program of European Union