November News: Membership Renewals

Advantages and Offers for 2025 and beyond

Help us spread the word on Virtual Exchange/COIL!

The Deal

As of now, you can become a member of UNICollaboration, or renew your membership for 2025!

Individual and institutional members who join UNICollaboration can enjoy a new 3-year membership option giving them special access to events, activities, research, conferences and more.

Institutional members will be able to add any number of members to their membership, giving their institution the edge in terms of access to VE activities and other opportunities in the field. 

Benefits include discounts for webinars and conferences, regular updates and training opportunities, global networking and partnering events, access to resources, information on grants and funding and community engagements all relating to virtual exchange/COIL

To find out more details and fees, download our PDF here 

And if you’re ready to sign up – here is the link to JOIN 

For current members, please follow this procedure: