I am looking for English speaking students (undergraduate) from an English Literature Department to learn, discuss, explore, exchange knowledge and understanding of memory narratives , particularly those published over the course of the last two decades. Given that my group of students are Arab learners from Israel, whose perception of Read More …
Discipline: 022 Humanities (except languages)
Project Ibunka 2020
A cross-cultural web exchange project, Project Ibunka 2020, Call for Participation Hello, again! I’m Masahito Watanabe, Wata, at Yokohama National University, Japan. I’m going to organize a new web-based intercultural exchange project, Ibunka 2020, again this year. “Ibunka” means “different cultures” in Japanese. This is a web-based bulletin board discussion Read More …
Pragmatic and Intercultural Communicative Competence
CLOSED This virtual exchange aims at improving Spanish-speaking students’ pragmatic and intercultural competence through the interaction with English-speaking students. They would carry out 6 tasks in pairs and an intercultural debate in groups. The platforms that we would like to use are Skype and MeWe. If the partner needs to Read More …
Criminal Justice
I am interested in linking with a class in criminal justice or law. I am very open to another discipline so if you have a class where justice can be the topic of the engagement, that would be wonderful as well. I believe that the cross cultural communication skills and Read More …
Virtual Exchange for Students of English for Purposes of International Communication
I would like to set up a VE for B1/B2 students of English (for purposes of international communication). I am extremely flexible as to the content and can integrate any theme into my course. I am experienced in VE in both English for purposes of international communication and for pre-service Read More …