Bilateral agreement

We offer potential partners to organize several joint online events for students in 2023. Areas of our interests are the following: international business, world economy, European integration, international relations, sustainable development, international law and others. Ready to discuss all options. 1. Virtual exchange of students within 2 agreed courses. One Read More …

European Union and Its Enlargement

This course examines the European Union's enlargement process and politics, and impact on the domestic politics of the applicant countries. The goal of the virtual exchange will be to identify the situation, values, interests and expectations of several actors who observe or are affected by the EU negotiations.

German Listening Comprehension and Speaking

German Listening and Speaking uses a variety of teaching and learning tools that provide students with the necessary information and opportunities to practice their language skills in modules focusing on topics related to music, art, movies, the news, traveling, businesses, and jobs/internships in the German-speaking world. The materials and tools Read More …

Social Inequality

The three recent crises—economic (the Great Recession), racial (post-George Floyd), and public health (the COVID-19 pandemic)—have created an increased awareness of the systemic nature of inequalities in the United States. In this context, this course is designed to enable a deeper understanding of the causes, dimensions, and consequences of social Read More …

Introduction to Public Health

This course offers an overview of the expanding field of public health for students new to its concepts and actors. This course provides real-world examples of public health within popular culture and how cultural influences dictate decision-making related to health and well- being. Major public health principles will be detailed Read More …

Global Medical Narratives

We will examine stories of health, illness, and disease written by physicians, patients, and the public all over the world. We will explore the process of writing through the lens of healers, patients, organizations, and laymen. Together we will examine the intersections of cultures, societies, economies, histories, policies and how Read More …

Culture, sustainability, and intercultural communication

We are searching for partners for a virtual exchange project which has already been designed and is in its first test run. The class is an elective which draws students from all majors. The following is the official description in our course catalog for the current semester. In its Resolution Read More …

Family business looking for art

IDEAL PARTNER I am looking for a University Professor in the Art field (e.g., theatre, dance, photography, plastic arts, etc.), who is willing to create a Virtual Exchange for our student. COURSE INVOLVED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PADOVA (ITALY) I teach a course in Family business, I am willing to Read More …

Project ComunicaRT Virtual Exchange for students of Tourism

I am looking for partner classes for a Virtual Exchange with Italian students and professionals in Tourism sector. Potential partners could be students and workers in the Tourism sector speaking English and other romance languages. The exchange would run from November to mid-February and would be based around collaborative tasks Read More …