> VE Partner Finding Tool manual
The Virtual Exchange Partner Finding Tool supports you in finding a Virtual Exchange Partner. In the table below you see a list of all Virtual Exchange proposals that were submitted by academics all over the world. Click on the title to view the proposal in more detail on a new tab. On the details page, you will have the option to contact the author of the proposal in case you are interested in becoming a partner for this proposal. You need to be a member of UNICollaboration to be allowed to do this. If you or your institution is not a member, please go to the Join page for more information.
Of course, you can also add your own proposal(s). You will also need the aforementioned account for this. After logging in, you can create a Virtual Exchange proposal via the option ‘Create Exchange proposal’ in the ‘My account’ menu.
Title | Description | Status | Countries | Learning Outcomes | Languages | Disciplines | Date | Author | Period |
Comparing approaches to ecological issues | This Virtual Exchange is an online collaborative project that combines ecological themes and the use of online technologies in order to develop students’ linguistic, intercultural, digital skills as w | Open | Spain | Digital literacy, Intercultural competences, Language skills, Other, Transversal/soft skills | English | 02 Arts and humanities | 22/08/2020 09:42 AM | Robert ODowd | 2020/10/01 - 2020/12/15 |
Virtual Exchange for Students of English for Purposes of International Communication | I would like to set up a VE for B1/B2 students of English (for purposes of international communication). I am extremely flexible as to the content and can integrate any theme into my course. I am exp | Closed - Other reasons | Israel | Digital literacy, Intercultural competences, Language skills, Transversal/soft skills | English | 023 Languages | 24/08/2020 10:29 AM | Elana Spector Cohen | 2020/10/25 - 2021/01/15 |
Intercultural Competence for Tutors | At the University of Wuerzburg (JMU) we’d like to set up an “ad hoc” TEP (Transnational Exchange Project) for (student) tutors to enable them to reflect their own (inter-)cultural assumptions, beliefs | Open | Germany | Digital literacy, Intercultural competences, Language skills, Transversal/soft skills | English | 00 Generic programmes and qualifications | 27/08/2020 10:26 AM | Kristina Foerster | 2020/10/01 - 2020/11/30 |
Criminal Justice | I am interested in linking with a class in criminal justice or law. I am very open to another discipline so if you have a class where justice can be the topic of the engagement, that would be wonderfu | Open | United States | Intercultural competences, Transversal/soft skills | English | 022 Humanities (except languages) | 31/08/2020 08:36 PM | aramson | 2022/02/01- 2022/05/12 |
Pragmatic and Intercultural Communicative Competence | CLOSED This virtual exchange aims at improving Spanish-speaking students' pragmatic and intercultural competence through the interaction with English-speaking students. They would carry out 6 tasks in | Closed - Partner found | Spain, United Kingdom | Intercultural competences, Language skills | English | 023 Languages | 01/09/2020 10:38 AM | Sofia Di Sarno García | 2020/09/14 - 2020/12/17 |
Project Ibunka 2020 | A cross-cultural web exchange project, Project Ibunka 2020, Call for Participation Hello, again! I'm Masahito Watanabe, Wata, at Yokohama National University, Japan. I'm going to organize a new we | Closed-Partnerfound | Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Poland, South Korea, Taiwan | Intercultural competences | English | 023 Languages | 13/09/2020 11:28 AM | Masahito Watanabe | 2020/09/28 - 2020/12/24 |
Understanding Nuclear Waste Policy from a Multidisciplinary Approach | This virtual exchange approaches global learning from an open perspective meaning we have many different disciplines of students who are freshmen at DePaul University who are learning to write across | Open | United States | Other, Transversal/soft skills | English | 00 Generic programmes and qualifications | 17/09/2020 05:40 PM | Kelly Tzoumis, DePaul University | 2021/01/04 - 2021/03/31 |
Contemporary Syrian Theatre, German Arabic Approach | I am looking for Arabic speaking students (preferably undergraduate) who study German language and/or contemporary drama. The Virtual Exchange would bring them together with undergraduate students of | Closed-Partnerfound | Germany, Tunisia | Intercultural competences, Language skills | Arabic (Modern Standard), German | 02 Arts and humanities | 05/10/2020 09:08 AM | k.moser | 2020/11/08 - 2021/02/12 |
Cultural Exchange on Memory Narratives | I am looking for English speaking students (undergraduate) from an English Literature Department to learn, discuss, explore, exchange knowledge and understanding of memory narratives , particularly th | Open | Israel | Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences, Other | English | 0232 Literature and linguistics | 08/10/2020 01:16 PM | Hana Salman | 2021/03/03 - 2021/04/30 |
Partages linguistique et interculturel | Je cherche des collègues qui enseignent soit : - Le FLE à un niveau faux débutant (A1-A2), en France ou à l'étranger, soit - La langue arabe à des étudiants francophones (A1-début B1) ...pou | Open | France | Intercultural competences, Language skills, Transversal/soft skills | Arabic (Modern Standard), French | 01 Education | 27/10/2020 09:19 AM | Eric | 2020/10/27 - 2020/12/31 |
Virtual exchange for English students | My name is Abir Ben Abdallah and I am a doctoral student at Mohamed Ben Ahmed University, Oran2 – Algeria, in the field of Language Sciences and Didactics. I would like to invite you and your students | Open | Algeria | Intercultural competences, Language skills, Other | English | 0231 Language acquisition | 08/01/2021 11:40 AM | Abir Ben Abdallah | 2021/03/01 - 2021/04/30 |
Intercultural Dimensions of Teaching and Learning with Digital Media | In the upcoming summer semester I'll be teaching a course for preservice teachers with various disciplinary backgrounds at the university of Wuerzburg. It will address the nexus between intercult | Open | Germany | Digital literacy, Intercultural competences | English | 0112 Training for pre-school teachers | 04/03/2021 03:16 PM | Kristina Foerster | 2021/05/06 - 2021/06/24 |
Using the Sustainable Development Goals to Develop Global and Ecological Citizenship | This Virtual Exchange is an online collaborative project that combines sustainability themes and the use of online technologies in order to develop students’ linguistic, intercultural, digital skills | Open | Spain | Digital literacy, Intercultural competences, Language skills, Other, Transversal/soft skills | English | 02 Arts and humanities | 31/03/2021 09:52 AM | bferng@unileon.es | 2021/10/04 - 2021/12/15 |
A Teacher Training on CLIL through telecollaboration | A teacher training about CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is the main study. The instructors/educators/researchers are expected to give a seminar regarding the CLIL to the teachers. Eac | Open | Turkey | Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences, Language skills, Other | English | 023 Languages | 05/04/2021 01:50 PM | nurdandincer | 2021/09/01 - 2022/01/01 |
Intercultural Communicative Competence via Telecollaboration | I am looking for English Language Teachers who teach to students aged between 10-13 for my Master thesis. The process will take 10 weeks totally but it may be divided into 2 weeks for each country. T | Closed - Partner found | Turkey | Intercultural competences, Language skills | English | 023 Languages | 14/08/2021 03:22 PM | saylangurur | 2021/10/01 - 2022/04/30 |
Virtual Exchange for students of Tourism | I am looking for a partner class for a Virtual Exchange with my Spanish students of Tourism. The exchange would run from October to mid-December and would be based around tasks related to tourism and | Closed - Partner found | Spain | Digital literacy, Intercultural competences, Language skills, Transversal/soft skills | English | 041 Business and administration | 07/09/2021 01:19 PM | Robert ODowd | 2021/10/01 - 2021/12/17 |
Encompassing All Voices | To gain more experience with COIL and virtual exchange we've set up a COIL project last year as a form of professional development with teaching staff from three institutions (Amsterdam, Brussels | Closed - Partner found | Belgium | Intercultural competences | English | 00 Generic programmes and qualifications | 24/09/2021 11:35 AM | Marieke.devos | 2022/02/01 - 2022/04/01 |
Virtual exhibition of tangible cultural herritage | This Virtual Exchange focuses on introducing the tangible cultural heritage (physical artifacts produced, maintained, and transmitted intergenerationally in society) to students from other cultures w | Closed - Other reasons | Ukraine | Digital literacy, Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences, Language skills | English | 0314 Sociology and cultural studies | 27/10/2021 04:55 PM | Yuliana Lavrysh | 2021/11/15 - 2022/02/15 |
Project Ibunka 2021 | A cross-cultural web exchange project, Project Ibunka 2021, Call for Participation Hello, again! I'm Masahito Watanabe, Wata, at Yokohama National University, Japan. I'm going to organize a new web | Closed-Partnerfound | Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, Ukraine | Intercultural competences, Language skills | English | 023 Languages | 29/10/2021 02:00 AM | Masahito Watanabe | 2021/10/29 - 2022/01/31 |
German and Chinese Cultural Exchange | Looking for students from a Chinese university who are interested in getting to know more about company structure, business etiquette as well as cultural and social differences between Germany and Chi | Open | Germany | Intercultural competences, Language skills | English | 0231 Language acquisition | 07/02/2022 03:41 PM | Nicholas Sinn | 2022/10/16 - 2023/01/15 |
Design Thinking | Course Topic: Design Thinking as a method for product and business model development Our faculty of administration and engineering in Künzelsau is looking for an additional VE partner in Europe (ne | Open | Germany | Digital literacy, Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences, Language skills | English | 07 Engineering manufacturing and construction | 22/02/2022 09:47 AM | Simone v. Boddien | 2022/09/26 - 2022/09/30 |
Documentation and Data Management | 'Documentation and Data Management' is a subject that has been taught in the second course of the Advertising and Public Relations Degree (University of Girona - Spain). It is a subject from | Open | Spain | Digital literacy, Intercultural competences, Transversal/soft skills | English | 0322 Library information and archival studies | 16/04/2022 06:01 PM | monicapuntibrun | 2022/09/18 - 2022/12/18 |
International Issues and Crisis Communication | The University of Florida's online master’s program in Mass Communication is seeking graduate or upper level undergraduate courses in communications/business/related fields to partner with. This | Closed - Partner found | Macedonia | Intercultural competences, Other | English | 03 Social sciences journalism and information | 03/05/2022 04:15 PM | Carrie Martins | 2023/01/09 - 2023/04/26 |
Nonprofit and Government Communication | The University of Florida’s online master’s program in Mass Communication is seeking graduate or upper level undergraduate courses in communications/business/related fields to partner with. This will | Closed - Partner found | Canada | Intercultural competences, Other | English | 03 Social sciences journalism and information | 03/05/2022 04:27 PM | Carrie Martins | 2022/08/24 - 2023/04/26 |
French for International Studies, Intercultural Communication | FR3502: French for International Studies Dr. Adela Lechintan-Siefer French and Italian The Ohio State University Course offered in Spring semesters January-April Course description: Globaliz | Open | United States | Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences, Language skills, Other | English, French | 03 Social sciences journalism and information | 15/08/2022 08:37 PM | lechintan | 2023/02/01 - 2023/03/08 |
Introduction to Speech Disorders | This course incorporates approaches to speech therapy services for topics such as fluency disorders, dysphagia, aphasia, motor speech, and dementia in the context of European healthcare system. The pr | Closed - Partner found | Netherlands | Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences | English | 09 Health and welfare | 30/08/2022 06:39 PM | Carrie Martins | 2023/08/28 - 2023/12/08 |
Occupation and Participation Across Cultures | Occupation is what we routinely do, incorporating activities that are life sustaining, purposeful and meaningful. The influence of occupation on health of persons with disabilities across cultures wil | Closed - Partner found | South Africa | Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences | English | 1022 Occupational health and safety | 30/08/2022 06:42 PM | Carrie Martins | 2023/07/03 - 2023/08/11 |
Project Ibunka 2022 | A cross-cultural web exchange project, Project Ibunka 2022, Call for Participation Hello, again! I'm Masahito Watanabe, Wata, at Yokohama National University, Japan. I'm going to organize | Open | Japan | Intercultural competences, Language skills | English | 003 Personal skills and development | 07/09/2022 06:55 AM | Masahito Watanabe | 2022/09/26 - 2022/12/23 |
Postcolonial Literature, Culture and Theory | Students will discuss challenges posed by the historical archives of the Caribbean, which are incomplete, and which often reflect the bias and interest of the colonial government, enslavers, and the e | Closed - Partner found | Barbados | Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences | English | 0232 Literature and linguistics | 09/09/2022 07:56 PM | Carrie Martins | 2023/08/28 - 2023/12/04 |
Project ComunicaRT Virtual Exchange for students of Tourism | I am looking for partner classes for a Virtual Exchange with Italian students and professionals in Tourism sector. Potential partners could be students and workers in the Tourism sector speaking Engli | Open | Italy | Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences, Language skills | English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish | 0231 Language acquisition | 21/09/2022 03:45 PM | Emanuela | 2022/11/01 - 2023/02/28 |
Family business looking for art | IDEAL PARTNER I am looking for a University Professor in the Art field (e.g., theatre, dance, photography, plastic arts, etc.), who is willing to create a Virtual Exchange for our student. COURSE | Open | Italy | Digital literacy, Intercultural competences, Other, Transversal/soft skills | English | 041 Business and administration | 10/10/2022 03:33 PM | AlessandraT | 2023/04/23 - 2023/05/27 |
Culture, sustainability, and intercultural communication | We are searching for partners for a virtual exchange project which has already been designed and is in its first test run. The class is an elective which draws students from all majors. The following | Open | Germany | Digital literacy, Intercultural competences, Language skills, Other, Transversal/soft skills | English | 003 Personal skills and development | 03/11/2022 08:21 AM | Jodie Birdman | 2023/04/03 - 2023/07/07 |
Global Medical Narratives | We will examine stories of health, illness, and disease written by physicians, patients, and the public all over the world. We will explore the process of writing through the lens of healers, patients | Closed - Partner found | Mexico | Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences | English | 091 Health | 17/11/2022 09:28 PM | Carrie Martins | 2024/01/08 - 2024/04/26 |
Introduction to Public Health | This course offers an overview of the expanding field of public health for students new to its concepts and actors. This course provides real-world examples of public health within popular culture and | Closed - Partner found | Brazil, Germany | Digital literacy, Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences | English | 091 Health | 22/11/2022 04:19 PM | Carrie Martins | 2023/08/23 - 2023/12/06 |
Social Inequality | The three recent crises—economic (the Great Recession), racial (post-George Floyd), and public health (the COVID-19 pandemic)—have created an increased awareness of the systemic nature of inequalities | Closed - Partner found | India | Digital literacy, Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences | English | 0314 Sociology and cultural studies | 22/11/2022 04:23 PM | Carrie Martins | 2024/01/08 - 2024/04/26 |
European Union and Its Enlargement | This course examines the European Union's enlargement process and politics, and impact on the domestic politics of the applicant countries. The goal of the virtual exchange will be to identify th | Closed - Other reasons | Macedonia | Digital literacy, Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences | English | 0312 Political sciences and civics | 22/11/2022 04:28 PM | Carrie Martins | 2024/01/08 - 2024/04/26 |
Exchange of ideas, contemporary cultural trends, environmental problems, and similar issues. | We are currently witnessing tremendous changes in our world. Information technologies are developing at a fast pace. Many of us would like to answer the question of how these processes affect people | Open | Poland | Intercultural competences, Language skills, Other | English | 0231 Language acquisition | 12/12/2022 09:09 AM | HaniaBrdys | 2023/03/05 - 2023/04/30 |
Bilateral agreement | We offer potential partners to organize several joint online events for students in 2023. Areas of our interests are the following: international business, world economy, European integration, interna | Open | Ukraine | Digital literacy, Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences, Transversal/soft skills | English | 041 Business and administration | 01/02/2023 12:21 PM | Mev_Kateryna | 2023/03/05 - 2023/05/05 |
Educators for Change | Global Teacher Education is gaining importance in an increasingly globalization. The traditional methods of teacher education has placed less emphasis on preparing teachers to work in diverse societie | Open | Kenya | Digital literacy, Intercultural competences, Language skills, Transversal/soft skills | English | 0113 Teacher training without subject specialisation | 31/03/2023 07:11 AM | Daniel | 2023/09/18 - 2023/11/17 |
Statistics for Business Decisions | Past VE projects for this course have been on data ethics and company valuations. The course covers correlation and linear regression, model building, multiple regression, analysis of variance, time s | Closed - Partner found | Mexico | Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences | English | 0542 Statistics | 12/05/2023 09:37 PM | Carrie Martins | 2023/08/23 - 2023/12/06 |
Professional Writing | This graduate-level course focuses on writing well at work. Students will learn the basic principles that result in elegant, effective writing and gain an overview of business communication principles | Closed - Partner found | Brazil | Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences | English | 041 Business and administration | 19/05/2023 10:58 PM | Carrie Martins | 2024/01/08 - 2024/02/29 |
Social Issues in Sport | Students will compare the sport systems in the U.S. with those in other places internationally. I would like them to work with students from one or two other universities to conduct a comparison of a | Closed - Partner found | South Africa | Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences | English | 1014 Sports | 19/05/2023 11:01 PM | Carrie Martins | 2024/01/08 - 2024/04/24 |
Virtual Exchange for Business English Students for Purposes of International Communication | My goal is to establish a Virtual Exchange (VE) for my Business English course which focuses on enhancing students' language proficiency, digital literacy, and their soft skills by fostering inte | Open | Croatia | Digital literacy, Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences, Language skills, Transversal/soft skills | English | 023 Languages | 20/06/2023 12:05 PM | Mia Cirkveni | 2023/10/22 - 2024/01/21 |
Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Learning English as a Foreign Language | This virtual exchange course (AI as a Tool for Learning EFL) offers a unique opportunity for students to enhance their English language skills (such as EFL or ESP) through the exploration and utilizat | Open | Croatia | Digital literacy, Intercultural competences, Language skills | English | 023 Languages | 21/06/2023 11:21 AM | Mia Cirkveni | 2023/10/22 - 2024/01/21 |
Healthcare without borders | My VE is focussed around the globalisation of the healthcare experience faced by (mainly) Pharmacy students but is open to any groups from the wider healthcare field. I would like operate a "p | Open | United Kingdom | Digital literacy, Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences, Other, Transversal/soft skills | English | 0916 Pharmacy | 04/08/2023 01:11 PM | badharks | 2023/11/05 - 2024/04/30 |
Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Planning and Sustainability | I am looking for a VE partner for a - mainly - undergraduate English for Specific Purposes class. The students in this class are studying architecture, civil engineering or urban planning. The VE woul | Open | Germany | Intercultural competences, Language skills, Transversal/soft skills | English | 073 Architecture and construction | 23/08/2023 10:51 AM | Dorle | 2023/11/01 - 2023/11/30 |
Modern African History | The aim of this COIL will be to allow students to study modern African history through the lens of what works. The instructor running the course is open to several possibilities for the location as we | Open | United States | Digital literacy, Intercultural competences, Transversal/soft skills | English | 022 Humanities (except languages) | 13/10/2023 07:39 PM | fduagie | 2024/01/30 - 2024/05/01 |
Information Technology and Teaching ESL | Looking for partner institutions for a VE project that would bring pre-service teachers together for collaborative pedagogical design through video-mediated lesson planning/task design conversations. | Open | Canada | Digital literacy, Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences, Language skills | English | 0114 Teacher training with subject specialisation | 13/12/2023 03:45 PM | lisadeguire | 2024/02/09 - 2024/03/08 |
VE project in Teaching EFL ESL | Looking for partners for a VE project for 3rd year students in the program of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Faculty of Education. (partner group could be any year or may have differe | Open | Turkey | Digital literacy, Disciplinary skills, Intercultural competences, Language skills | English | 0113 Teacher training without subject specialisation | 25/02/2024 08:05 PM | Nuriye Karakaya Yildirim | 2024/03/03 - 2024/05/30 |
Global Fitness Development | We are looking for a partner to join our well-established VE starting at the end of March 24, which already connects students from Chile, Croatia, France, Germany, Spain and Poland. The topics stud | Open | Germany | Digital literacy, Intercultural competences, Transversal/soft skills | English | 003 Personal skills and development | 06/03/2024 05:28 AM | Alice Gruber | 2024/03/26 - 2024/03/26 |
Designing examples of applications or electronic equipment using analogue and digital circuits and microcontrollers. | Designing examples of applications or electronic equipment using analogue and digital circuits and microcontrollers. More information on this subject can be found in this web page: https://digsys.upc. | Open | Spain | Disciplinary skills | English | 0714 Electronics and automation | 13/03/2024 05:02 PM | HELENA MARTÍNEZ PIÑEIRO | 2024/10/20 - 2025/05/20 |
Applied Research in Engineering Sciences | ‘Applied Research in Engineering Sciences’ intends to be a cross-cutting subject for all undergraduate studies and is designed for undergraduate students, which in turn also aligns with postgraduate c | Open | Spain | Disciplinary skills, Language skills, Transversal/soft skills | English | 071 Engineering and engineering trades | 20/03/2024 05:55 PM | HELENA MARTÍNEZ PIÑEIRO | 2024/09/12 - 2024/12/22 |
European Innovation Laboratory for stimulating entrepreneurial skills, for innovation and for business creation in the Energy sector | European Innovation Laboratories for stimulating entrepreneurial skills, for innovation and for business creation in the Energy sector are online people-to-people activities that promote intercultural | Open | Italy | Other | English | 053 Physical sciences | 03/07/2024 02:12 PM | Alice Cervellieri | 2025/01/20 - 2027/01/30 |
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in VE experience | Students will be able to participate in a cycle of lessons in order to learn different neural analysis techniques. The student through virtual meetings of 3-4 days a week of 30 minutes each can focu | Open | Italy | Other | English | 0713 Electricity and energy | 17/01/2025 03:58 PM | Alice Cervellieri | 2025/01/20 - 2026/01/30 |
Description | Status | Countries | Learning Outcomes | Languages | Disciplines |