UNICollaboration (www.unicollaboration.org) is a young, cross-disciplinary organisation which aims to promote practice and research in virtual exchange initiatives in Higher Education. Virtual exchange is an innovative form of online learning which involves engaging learners in intercultural interaction and collaboration with classes in distant locations through online communication technologies under the guidance of teachers or trained facilitators. It is also known in different contexts as telecollaboration, Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and e-tandem learning.
After two successful conferences in León, Spain in 2014 and Dublin, Ireland in 2016, we would like to invite you to the third UniCollaboration conference:
Telecollaboration and virtual exchange across disciplines:
in service of social inclusion and global citizenship
WHERE: Pedagogical University, Krakow, Poland
WHO (Organisers): Technology Enhanced Language Education Department
Now that the conference is over, see what people were Tweeting during the conference!