EVALUATE was a European Policy Experiment project funded by Erasmus+ Key Action 3. The project was led by Robert O’Dowd at the University of León and involved many UNICollaboration members.
Between 2017-2019, the project consortium trained teacher trainers and organised virtual exchanges which involved over 1,000 student teachers at initial teacher education institutions. This entailed students interacting and collaborating with partner classes from other countries as an integral part of one of their courses. The research team then analysed the learning gains from these exchanges using qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. They also worked with representatives from European ministries of education to understand how virtual exchange could be upscaled in teacher education across Europe.
A collection of publications and training materials developed by the project team are available here.
Our European Policy Experiment report is available for download here. You can read the full report and the executive summary here.
You can also download the Telecollaborative Training Manual for Teacher Trainers which was developed for the project.
You can download the task sequences used during our study here.
And watch this short animated video which explains how Virtual Exchange works in Initial Teacher Education and how EVALUATE carried out its exchange programme: https://youtu.be/zi2zTixM1F0
For more information on the work of EVALUATE, contact Robert O’Dowd (robert.odowd@unileon.es) or visit the EVALUATE website.