When you participate in virtual exchange activities organised by EVOLVE or Erasmus Plus Virtual Exchange you gain recognition in the form of open badges. These digital micro-credentials can be collected, stored and displayed by adding them to a personal, free account you can set up on Open Badge Passport.

Once you have collected your badge it is visible by default only to you. In order to make it visible more widely you need to change the settings. In so doing you will find others who share the badge. You can also share your badge openly on your social media channels, personal website or other public spaces online. Let others know of your new skills!
Here’s a demonstration of how to make your badge publically viewable.
You can also use your Open Badge Passport system to look for other people who have earned virtual exchange badges. Follow these instructions and make some new connections. You can even discover new badges to earn.
For more information about open badges check out the open badge wiki.