Universidad Católica de Valencia.
Winning prize on Educational Innovation. Project ‘Sim+V.E’ Simulation + Virtual Exchange. 2021.
Lead: M.Laura Angelini & Rut Muñiz
Universidad Católica de Valencia
This project successfully brought together students from a Master teaching degree in Spain with student teachers, active teachers and academics from University of Babes-Bolyai, Romania; Pädagogische Hochschule Nö, Austria; Tunisia Virtual University, Tunisia; University of Carthage, Tunisia; North-Eastern Illinois University, Usa; Cégep De Jonquière, Quebec, Canada; University of Buenos Aires, Argentina; University of London, U.K.; and Lancaster University, U.K. The simulation ‘The School of Valtance’ was carried out for one month by means of synchronous and asynchronous virtual exchanges. Using simulation as a methodological strategy, we have shown that in the face of this health crisis, we have reformulated the erroneous concept of ‘social distancing’ by the correct one of ‘physical distancing’. We have been able to continue with high quality training through virtual exchanges and the application of simulations in a digital environment. Sim+V.E, thus, responds to the demands of an open, plural and inclusive education.
Angelini, M. L., & Muñiz, R. (2021). Simulation through virtual exchange in teacher training. Edutec. Revista Electrónica De Tecnología Educativa, (75), 65-89. https://www.edutec.es/ revista/index.php/edutec-e/ article/view/1913/831
Our YouTube Channel:
If you want to meet our team of academics: https://www. youtube.com/channel/ UCoyn2fGgfe2aG15cQ0Nu3ww/ videos?view=0&sort=p