A conference on “Promoting students’ digital citizenship” is being organised by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya to take place on 18th February 2023 in Barcelona. The event is designed within the framework of the PENSA project, an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership running from 2021 to 2023 and which UNICollaboration is participating in, as coordinator of the teachers’ training module on telecollaboration and Virtual Exchange. Different conferences and workshops, led by the PENSA project team, will address the use of digital tools in contexts such as Virtual Exchange, online teaching or blended learning and Hyflex. Spanish and international teachers at secondary and Higher Education level are invited to participate. Proposals for 20-minute presentations on related topics are also accepted in addition to the contents proposed by the PENSA team (see the call for papers below).
- To register for the event: https://columbo.univ-amu.fr/index.php/731682?lang=en
- For more information, please send an email to: pensa@uoc.edu
- To view the programme and the call for papers: PENSA programme M5(1)_0 PENSA Call for papers_0(7)
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