UNICollaboration.org (this site) has been updated and more changes will follow soon to better meet the requirements of the organisation and our community of members and followers.
An area Resources has been added to the site. This contains the Tasks / Task sequences database and the Projects database previously available on UNICollaboration.EU, the platform created in 2011 which we have had to close down for security and maintenance reasons.

To ensure that teachers and students can keep using these resources in the future, the databases have been recreated on the current platform, keeping the original functionality as much as possible. Some further changes are planned (e.g. restoring the images in the Project database), but no new tasks, task sequences and projects can be added by users at the moment.
In the future, we hope to be able to restore this function, using more generic templates for these types of content. We are also planning to add new content, such as Open Educational Resources (OER’s) from projects in which UNICollaboration members are currently involved.
User accounts
We have started creating user accounts on the platform. This functionality will be released soon, allowing registered users to contribute to discussions, content creation and giving them access to the profiles of other UNICollaboration.org users, similar to the practitioner database on our original platform.
Please note that creating a user account is free of charge. It is different from taking out a UNICollaboration membership, which offers additional membership benefits. See our Join page for further details.
Partner finding tool
A new partner finding tool will be added to the site before the end of November 2019. This new tool will allow UNICollaboration.org users to post and search partnership requests for setting up new exchanges in the context of the courses they teach.
Other changes
Please note that these changes are part of larger project to update the UNICollaboration web resources. Our sites will be relocated to a new provider and the Journal of Virtual Exchange (JVE) is redesigned and relocated at the same time.
These changes are all part of our efforts to serve our growing community of practitioners, researchers, educational developers and management better in the future.
If you have any questions or suggestions on these updates, you may contact us by sending an email to secretary@unicolllaboration.org.
The UNICollaboration team